segunda-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2012

Christmas or Christmas Day is a holiday and Christian religious festival celebrated annually on 25 December (Slavic and Orthodox countries whose calendars were based on the Julian calendar, Christmas is celebrated on January 7), originally intended to celebrate the birth year God of the Sun at the winter solstice (Natalis Solis invicti) and adapted by the Catholic Church in the third century AD, to allow the conversion of the pagan peoples under the rule of the Roman Empire, going to celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. Christmas is the center of the holidays year-end and the holiday season, and in Christianity, the starting point of the Christmas cycle which lasts twelve days.
Although traditionally is a Christian holy day, Christmas is widely celebrated by many non-Christians and some of their customs and popular commemorative issues have origins pre-Christian or secular. Popular modern customs of the holiday include the typical exchange of gifts and cards, Christmas dinner, Christmas carols, church celebrations, a special meal and display of various decorations; asárvores including Christmas, flashers and garlands, mistletoe, nativity scenes and ilex. Also, Santa Claus (aka Father Christmas in Portugal) is a figuramitológica popular in many countries, associated with gifts for children.
Popular modern customs of the holiday include the typical exchange of gifts and cards, Christmas dinner, Christmas carols, church celebrations, a special meal and display of various decorations; including Christmas trees, flashers and garlands, mistletoe, nativity scenes and ilex. Also, Santa Claus (aka Father Christmas in Portugal) is a popular mythological figure in many countries, associated with gifts for children.
As the gift-giving and many other aspects of the Christmas festival involve an increase in economic activity among both Christians and non Christians, the celebration has become a significant event and a key sales period for retailers and businesses. The economic impact of Christmas is a factor that has grown steadily over the past few centuries in many regions of the world.

The word Christmas has been Natalis Portuguese in Latin, derived from the verb nascor (nāsceris, was born, Natus sum) that makes sense to be born. From the Latin natalis, natale also evolved from Italian, French noel, nadal Catalan, Castilian Christmas, and the palavranatal the Castilian was progressively replaced by Christmas, as the name of religious day.
Already the word Christmas, English, evolved from Christes maesse ('Christ's Mass') which means Mass of Christ.
[Edit] Usage
As an adjective, it means also the place where the birth of someone or something. As a religious festival, Christmas, celebrated on December 25 since the fourth century by the Western Church since the fifth century and the Eastern Church celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ and so is its meaning in the Romance languages. Many historians locate the first celebration in Rome in the year AD 336, however it seems that the earliest records of the celebration of Christmas originate earlier in Turkey on December 25, already in the mid-sec II.História
The earliest evidence of the celebration of a Christian liturgical feast of the birth of Jesus on December 25 is from doCronógrafo 354. This celebration began in Rome, while in Eastern Christianity the birth of Jesus was already celebrated in connection with the Epiphany on January 6. The celebration on December 25 was imported into the East later: in Antioch by John Chrysostom in the late fourth century, probably in 388, and in Alexandria only in the following century [16] Even in the West, the celebration of the Nativity Jesus on January 6 seems to have continued until after 380.

In the year 350, Pope Julius I conducted a detailed investigation and proclaimed December 25 as the official date and the Emperor Justinian in 529, declared it a national holiday.
Many popular customs associated with Christmas developed independently of the commemoration of Jesus' birth, with certain elements of origins in pre-Christian festivals that were celebrated around the winter solstice by populaçõespagãs that were later converted to Christianity. These elements, including the timbers, the Yule festival, and exchange gifts, the Saturnalia, became syncretized to Christmas over the centuries. The prevailing atmosphere of Christmas has also continually evolved since the beginning of the holiday, which was a state carnival since the Middle Ages, a holiday family-oriented and focused on children, introduced in the nineteenth century Reformation. In addition, the celebration of Christmas was banned on more than one occasion within Protestant Christendom due to concerns that the date is too pagan or anti-Christian bíblica.Pré
 Sol Invictus Dies Natalis Solis Invicti
Dies Natalis Solis Invicti means "unconquered sun's birthday."
Modern scholars have argued that the festival was placed on the date of the solstice because it was on this day that the Sun reversed its departure towards the south and proved to be "invincible". [Citation needed] Some early Christian writers connected the rebirth Sunset with the birth of Jesus. [8] "O, how wonderfully acted Providence that on that day the sun was born ... Christ should be born", Cyprian escreveu.João Crisóstomotambém commented on the connection: "They call it the 'Birthday undefeated.' Who indeed is so invincible as Our Lord ...? ".
Although the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti is the object of a great deal of academic speculation, the only ancient source for it is a mention in the Chronograph of 354, and modern Sol scholar Steven Hijmans argues that there is no evidence that the celebration precedes that of Christmas: " While the winter solstice around December 25 was well established in the Roman imperial calendar, there is no evidence that a religious celebration of Sol on that day antedated the celebration of Christmas, and none that indicates that Aurelian had a hand in its institution. " Winter Festivals

The winter festivals were the most popular festivals of the year in many cultures. Among the reasons for this include the fact that less agricultural work to be done during the winter, because the expectation of better weather conditions with aprimavera approaching. The modern Christmas traditions include: gift-giving and merrymaking from Roman Saturnalia festival, green, lights, and charity from the Roman New Year;. Yule timbers and various foods from Germanic feasts.
Pagan Scandinavia celebrated a festival called Yule Winter, conducted from late December to early January period. As Northern Europe was the last part of the continent to be Christianized, its pagan traditions had a major influence on Christmas. Scandinavians still call Christmas Jul. of Christianity

Christmas was not among the primitive Christian festivals. Irenaeus and Tertullian does not mention it on their lists of feasts. In fact, the first evidence of the feast comes from Egypt. [30] The first time that there is a direct reference to the observance of Christmas among Christians, happens in the pontificate of Liberius (352-366) [31].
The Bible says that the shepherds were in the fields tending the sheep queJesus the night Christ was born. The Jewish month of Kislev, corresponding approximately to the second half of November and the first half of December in the Gregorian calendar a month was cold and rainy. Thus, there was a month conducive to the shepherds staying in the fields in the cold and tending sheep. However, the Evangelist Luke says there were shepherds living out of doors and keeping watch over their flocks at night near the spot where Jesus was born. They were warned in the event called the pastores.Anúncio Annunciation of the Angel Gabriel and the birth of Jesus Birth of Jesus
The birth of Jesus took place about two years before the death of Herod, called "the Great", ie considering that he died in 4AEC [disambiguation needed], then Jesus could only have been born in 6 BC. According to the Bible, before his death, Herod killed the boys in Bethlehem up to 2 years, according to the time it appeared to "star" the Wizards. (Matthew 2:1, 16-19 - It was his desire to get rid of a possible new "King of the Jews").
Still, according to the Bible, before the birth of Jesus, the emperor Octavian Caesar Augustus decreed that all inhabitants of the empire were a census, each to his hometown. This forced Joseph to travel from Nazareth (in Galilee) to Bethlehem (in Judea), to register with Mary, his wife. Thus, it is clear that it would not be a census for tax purposes.

It is known that the governors of the Province of Syria during the final part of the government of King Herod were Sentio Saturnino (from 9 to 6 AEC AEC) and its successor, was Quintilio Varo. Only Quirinius was Governor of the Province of Syria in 6 CE. The only related to Quirinius census documented outside the Gospels, is said by the historian Josephus judeuFlávio as having occurred at the beginning of his government (Jewish Antiquities, Vol 18, Chapter 26). Obviously, this census was not the "first census". "This first census" was commanded when the consul Publius Sulplício Quirin '"was governor [Greek: hegemoneuo] of the Roman province of Syria." (2.1 to 3 Lucas - The Greek hegemoneuo shed for "Governor" means only "to be leading" or "in charge of." Can refer to a "territorial governor", "provincial governor" or "governor military. "Evidence points that occasion, Quirino was a military commander for operations in the province of Syria, under the direct orders of the Emperor.])
The journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem - a distance of 150 km - should have been very tiring for Maria who was in an advanced state of pregnancy. While in Bethlehem, Mary had her first son. She wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no room available for them in the housing [ie, there was no available rooms in the house that housed, in gr. 'm kataluma, in lat. In deversorio]. Mary needed a quiet and isolated for birth (Luke 2:4-8). Lucas says that on the day of Jesus' birth, the shepherds were guarding their flocks in the field "during the night watches." The flocks were out in the fields collected in March and early November.
The cow and the donkey from the manger as depicted in nativity scenes, results from a symbology inspired by Isaiah 1:3 which says: "The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not aware, my people do not understand. " There is no reliable information proving that there were animals with the newborn Jesus. The mention of "an ox and a donkey in the stable" is also due to some Apocryphal Gospels.
The star of Bethlehem
After the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, still ruled Judea King Herod, came "from the East to Jerusalem wise men guided by a star or a controversial subject that, according to the description of the Gospel according to Matthew, announced the birth of Jesus and led Three Magi to the place where it was. A real nature of the Star of Bethlehem is the subject of discussion among scholars.
Visit of the Magi
Main article: Three Kings
The "magicians" in gr. magoi, who came from East Jerusalem, were not kings. It is believed to have been Tertullian of Carthage, who early in the third. Th Century have written that the Magi were kings of the East. The reason seems to stem from some Old Testament references, as in the case of Psalm 68:29: "For the love of thy temple at Jerusalem shall kings bring presents unto thee."
Instead, the "wise men" were priests, astrologers, perhaps followers of Zoroastrianism. They were considered "Wise Men", and therefore, advisors to kings. They could have come from Babylon, but we can not rule Persia (Iran). St. Justin, 2. º Century, believes that the Magi came from Arabia. How many were there and their names were not revealed in the canonical Gospels. The names of Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar contained in the Apocryphal Gospels. It follows three magi were, in view of the 3 types of gifts. Nor is it mentioned that the Magi came mounted animals.
Another very important factor has to do with the existence of a large community of Jewish roots in ancient Babylon, which undoubtedly would have allowed the knowledge of the Messianic prophecies of the Jews, and their subsequent association of symbolism to celestial phenomena occurring.
Symbols and traditions

The Christmas tree is considered by some as a "Christianization" of pagan tradition and ritual surrounding the Winter Solstice, which included the use of evergreen boughs, and is an adaptation of pagan tree worship. Another version of the origin of the Christmas tree, most of them indicating aAlemanha as country of origin, one of the most popular attributes the news to Father Martin Luther (1483-1546), author of the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century. Looking at the sky through some pine trees that surrounded the track and saw him looking intensely starring her a diamond necklace atop the treetops. Taken by the beauty of it, decided to start a branch to take home. Once there, enthusiastic, put the small pine tree in a pot with soil, and called his wife and children, decorated it with small candles afincadas the tips of the branches. Then arranged colored paper to decorate it a little more. It was what he had seen out there. Moving on, all were amazed to see the tree lit whom seemed to have given life. Thus was born the Christmas tree. I would, therefore, show the kids how it should be heaven on the night of the birth of Cristo.Uma another Christmas tradition is the decoration of houses, buildings, static elements, such as poles, bridges and trees, shops, public buildings and cities elements that represent Christmas, for example, the Christmas lights and garlands. In some places, there's even a contest to see which house or establishment, had the most beautiful decoration, with the right to receive a prize.

The sculptures and paintings that adorned the temples to teach the faithful beyond the theatrical semilitúrgicas that happened during Christmas Mass served as inspiration as to create the crib. The Catholic tradition says that the nativity scene (the lat.praesepio) emerged in 1223, when St. Francis of Assisi wanted to celebrate Christmas in a way as realistic as possible and, with the permission of the Pope, set up a manger of straw, with a picture the Child Jesus, the Virgin Mary and Joseph, along with an ox and a donkey living and various other animals. In this scenario, the Mass was celebrated Natal.Na of Ancient Rome, the Roman Bacchus masks hung on pine trees to celebrate a festival called "Saturnalia," which coincided with our Christmas.

The success of this representation of the Nativity scene was such that quickly spread throughout Italy. Logo was introduced in the noble houses of Europe and there was down to the poorer classes. In Spain, the tradition came by the hand of King Carlos III, which imported from Naples in the eighteenth century. Its popularity in homes Spaniards and Latin Americans spread throughout the nineteenth century, and in France, it did not until the early twentieth century. In all Christian religions, it is agreed that the crib is the only symbol of Christmas Jesus truly inspired nosEvangelhos.

The day to assemble the Christmas decorations vary by country, Brazil decorations are usually held on December 6, the date on which we celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas. On January 6, celebrated as the Epiphany, the date which marks the arrival of the Three Kings to Bethlehem, ending the magic of Christmas when the Christmas tree and other Christmas decorations are undone.

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