sexta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2013

The Shabbat candles
"The candle of Gd is the human soul."
Gd said: "My candle (the Torah) is in thy power and thy candle (the soul) is in My Hand, so keep My candle so that I may keep your sail."

The day serves as a source of blessing, an inspiration and preparation for the six-day work week is of course the Shabbat. Since the foundation of Jewish life is the life of the home, and the foundation of the home is the woman, is quite appropriate that the inauguration of the Sabbath has been delivered into their hands, by lighting the candles in the home environment introduce the holiness of Shabbat .
Light versus darkness
What answer gave the Jewish people to adversity in the course of history?
The Psalms describe the reaction to the Babylonian captivity with the poetic words: "By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept as he recalled Tsiyon." But this description is interpreted by most people mistakenly since the great academies of study and the high philosophical achievements reached in Babylon did not come to be overcome even in boom times. So not only was this strange land cries, but also created a monumental work, the Babylonian Talmud.
This scenario was repeated several times during the story. The bigger problem was the more intense was the spiritual reaction that caused.
This then is the Jewish response: fight the darkness with the most effective weapon: the light. For "A little light away many shadows."
When the world increase corruption and indifference, the Jews responded by intensifying our faith and commitment to Gd. The mitzvah (commandment) in which this aspect is emphasized is the lighting of the Shabbat candles. The Lubavitcher Rebbe said: "Being the world so submerged in obscurity and confusion, it is imperative that the Jewish woman with the light this holy light."
The first Shabbat Universe brought to an atmosphere of rest and holiness, which reappears in the world (and in every being) through weekly Shabbat candles. The act of lighting the candles is closely related to the Matriarchs. While Sara lived, their Shabbat candles burned miraculously for a Friday to the following and other miracles occurred: there was always a blessing in bread dough and a cloud hovered Divine continually on his tent.
The reason the two candles
Each Mitzvah Torah is compared to a candle: "Ki Ner Mitzvah vector Or" ("A mitzvah is a candle and the Torah is light"). Each mitzvah creates a light and spiritual light, or its flame, rising, approaching the person of the Godhead. The flame is compared to the soul, just as a flame always directed upward, the soul wants to connect with Gd.
This message of light, universal symbol of clarity, vision, knowledge and truth, is closely linked to the message of Shabbat. The first Shabbat universe brought to an atmosphere of rest and holiness, which reappears in the world and be in each week when you light the candles, when a woman brings Shabbat into your home.
At least two candles are lit corresponding to the two expressions "Zachor" and "Shamor" that are mentioned in the Ten Commandments.
"Zachor" - "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy" (Exodus XX: 8), refers to the observance of Shabbat as lighting candles, reciting the Kiddush (sanctification with wine), the festive meal, dress in special clothing, pray, hear the reading of the Torah in the synagogue, learn and discuss passages from the Torah.
"Shamor" - "Keep the Sabbath day to sanctify it" (Deut. V: 12), refers to refrain from any job category (melachah) inappropriate for this special day.
The lights symbolize joy and serenity that distinguish Shabbat.
A mitzvah is performed only in an environment lighting candles, preferably on the site of the meal, as the central mitzvah of lighting candles is the table, so there is pleasure and joy. There is also a large Segula in observing the candles lit at the time of reciting the kiddush.
Shamor implies depriving yourself of prohibited activities while Zachor recalls meeting the noble customs of Shabbat: the candle lighting, Kiddush, a special food, stylish clothes in honor of the seventh day, the prayers and Torah study. By observing these principles, we get a real spiritual elevation.Jesus, the Light of the World
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but ti appears resplendent on the Lord, and his glory shall be seen upon thee "(Isa. 60.1-2).
The word "light" is highlighted by the prophet Isaiah. What is the "light"? We all know that light is the absence of darkness, but we must understand that the issue here is the separation between light and darkness. We read in the beginning of the Bible: "... and (God) God divided the light from the darkness" (Gen. 1:4 b). God did not eliminate the darkness, He separated the light. Therefore, a second key word to remember is that "separation."
The coming of Jesus means exactly that: separation! Or do you believe and accept that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, lived a sinless life and sacrificed himself, shedding His blood on the cross of Calvary for their sins, and so that you become a child of light, or you reject this eternal truth and remains a child of darkness.
The opening verse not only says "behold, the darkness shall cover the earth," but continues: "and gross darkness the people." This is the reality in our world. For example, we can hardly imagine living in terrible darkness-suicidal Islamic terrorists who hijacked the airliners on September 11, 2001 and launched into buildings occupied by thousands of innocent people. Why did they do that? Undoubtedly, they were convinced that his act was justified, for them, this was the right thing to do. They firmly believed that, at death, would be transferred to the glory of paradise. However, such religious belief is not based on truth, it is rooted in the imagination of the evil heart of men seduced by the "darkness".
Scripture, however, does not say that only people who commit such horrendous crimes live in darkness, for we read: "... the darkness [copper] people." This means that all the world's people live in darkness.
The darkness is a terrible thing, because it prevents us to see anything. For example, if you enter the basement of a house or elsewhere dark at night without having a light run serious danger of getting hurt. That's what the Bible reports: all people on earth are in serious danger, not only in this life but also in eternity. Therefore, it is extremely important that you come to light.
When Jesus, the light of the world, the Word (the Word) of God, became flesh and dwelt among us, He gave birth to all, saying, "I am the light of the world" (Jn 8.12). John, however, said: "And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not" (John 1.5, Revised and Corrected Ed.). Why the darkness did not comprehend? We find the answer to this important question in John 3:19-20: "this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, so as not to be accused of his works. "
The birth of Christ, or Christmas, can only become effective in your life, if you come out of the darkness and into the light. Without it, Christmas will be just like a traditional theater piece - in fact, foolish and commercial.
The words of Isaiah 60.1-2 are directed at Israel. The light was and is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Messiah of Israel and Savior of the world. The supply of light and the separation was made initially to the Jews. It was aimed at Israel, which, however, rejected Jesus. So he turned to the Gentiles. This becomes very evident in verse 3: "The nations (Gentiles) are heading to your light ..." So, the words of verse 2b still awaiting its ultimate fulfillment, "but upon thee (Israel) appears the resplendent Lord and his glory shall be seen upon thee. " That has not happened with Israel, so that should be fulfilled in the future.
In the same chapter, the prophet Isaiah proclaims, "We also will come to you, leaning, the sons of those who oppressed you; prostrate will be until the soles of your feet all who despised you and will call you the City Lord, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel "(Isaiah 60.14). Currently, the opposite happens: Israel continues hated and oppressed. The Arabs have only one goal: the destruction of the Jewish state. They say that Zionism should be eliminated. However, this will not happen. In the end, all people will call Jerusalem the "City of the Lord, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel."
Finally, the prophet says: "no more be heard in thy land of violence, wasting nor destruction within thy borders ..." (v. 18). The time will come when Israel will be a nation dedicated to the Lord, just as it is recorded in Scripture. Israel will be a praise to God in the midst of all the peoples of the earth. Only then true peace prevail across the globe. The Prince of Peace will rule "with a rod of iron" (Rev. 19:15) and will not tolerate any rebellion. All people are subject to the authority of the Lord of lords and King of kings, Jesus, the Crucified. Then, finally, Luke 2:14 is a global reality: "... on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased."This type of Christmas continues unimaginable in the days we live in, because the whole world lies in darkness. However, there is one exception: the individual and personal inner peace that you can try now. Even in these turbulent times, this peace that "surpasses all understanding" (see Phil 4:7) is available to you. Be a true Christmas experience this year! Jesus said: "Therefore you now have sorrow: but I will see you again and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no one will take" (Jn 16:22).

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